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Sunday Service 5/3/20

42 Minutes

Today we come to worship our faithful and loving God.

We come to praise Christ and to know Jesus better.  For it is in knowing Jesus, that we are blessed with every eternal blessing.   These blessings are available to all who come in faith.   Let talk more about it today.  Please remember your communion and join us as we focus on the one who is our hope both now and forevermore.

Sunday Service 4/26/20

39 Minutes

These are difficult days and we need each other and the Lord. We’ll consider how each of us is in the same storm but not in the same boat.

The storms of life and the Covid 19 virus have been devastated and a great challenge for many. Others seem to be weathering the storm because their boats and life are more stable and filled with supports. But all of us need to refuel and find our hope in Jesus. Come join us as we worship and offer your burdens to our Savior and Lord.

Sunday Service 4/19/20

51 Minutes

Easter is over but the effects of the Resurrection will continue on forever!

Join us as we continue to Celebrate the resurrection as we ask the question, “Are the dead raised?   This is a time of anxiety and fear.  The resurrection says that God cares now and into the future!  Let’s worship the Lord together and please prepare yourself to celebrate communion with us.

Easter Sunday Service 4/12/20

54 Minutes

Join us to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ.  This is Easter!

Come prepared to enjoy communion with us and sing hymns of Joy. Let Jesus meet you on the road of despair and anxiety to bring you peace.  The resurrection changes everything.  Let it change your heart as well.

Maundy Thursday 4/9/20 Service

32 Minutes

Jesus last night with his Disciples was filled with words and actions that captivate our imagine and make us stand in wonder.

We lift up the powerful symbols of this night: the basin and towel, the cup and bread, the oil press and prayer, and finally the cross.  Thank you for joining us.  Let us marvel and worship together.  The Lord who heals us understands our pain.

Bailey Road 4/5/20 10:45AM Service

37 Minutes

This Sunday is Palm Sunday when we celebrate Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem!

He came to Jerusalem on a humble donkey… on what began the most important week of all times leading to his death on the cross.

Let’s not forget to offer our praise on Palm Sunday.  The Lord received their praise in Jerusalem so long ago and he will accept our praise today!

Please join us for this Celebration and invite your friends to join us.  Let us march into holy week together.

Pastor Tim Brown

Bailey Road 3/29/20 10:45AM Service

41 Minutes

Please join us for worship and bring a cup of your favorite drink or juice and a piece of bread to celebrate communion this morning.

Today, I want to bring words of comfort but also remind us that we have a unique role to love like Jesus. We also have an important purpose to point people to Jesus who is our hope.  God is with all of us through these troubling times.

Pastor Tim Brown

Bailey Road 3/22/20 10:45AM Service

35 Minutes

Starting this week, we are offering a portion of our worship service online to keep us connected and to get out the Good News that God is with us even in the most difficult times.

In our message we will focus on how Jesus does understand our pain and he can and does sympathize with our need. Through Christ death on the cross, he opened the way for a new relationship where we can approach the throne of grace with boldness.  God does care and as the Body of Christ we have the opportunity and responsibility to love one another as well.  During our time together we will be celebrating communion, so we encourage you to join us with a cup of juice or whatever you choose and a piece of bread or a gold fish cracker will do!  Let us come around the table of grace.

If I can pray for you or if we can be of service to you please call the church.  I check the messages regularly and would be pleased to connect with you.

Pastor Tim Brown